Last weekend we took at trip up to Cabellas to get a new tub of pretzels. For those of you that have visited us in Utah you know that Izzie likes to snack on the pretzels from this store, it's very strange her love of Cabella pretzels, you have to hide them from her because she will eat them all day long!!! This is why we keep them in the car, and only the car!!! Anyway they have this big aquarium that you can walk through and we thought it would be fun for Izzie to see. It took her a while to warm up to it, but she had fun. There is soooo much to look at there, you really can spend all day there, maybe thats why they have a cafeteria? Hum?

Notice the death-grip on dads collar? I think she inherited moms deep fear of the underwater world!

Warming up to the idea here.

I loved this shot because you can see her smile in the glass
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