It has been so HOT here the past few days, I just cant stand it!!! We took Izzie over to Tiff and Rick's to swim for a little bit the other day. She really knows how to relax in the pool. I'm finding it really hard to make myself go outside for anything! We tried planting some ground cover between the rocks out back by the fountain, and when I say "we" this time, I do mean "we" I was out there planting right along with Tim. And let me tell you I have a blister to prove it!! Now if you know me, you know that I do not like gardening at all, but I am pushing myself this year to really try an get a the very least a semi-green thumb. Well last weekend it wasn't pretty, it was way to hot to be out back doing anything. We started to bicker, bad. Lets just say we won't be doing that again anytime soon. But something good did happen this week.
Look what Tim found on KSL...
It's an upright freezer! We have been wanting one of these since we moved in. Our new fridge was one of the one's with the freeze on the bottom. We quickly found out that it doesn't hold as much, and Tim hates it. There have been many, many freezers on KSL, but they have all been the chest models, and we didn't want to have to dig for our food. We have learned to be patient and to wait till the perfect opportunity comes and not be quick to make big purchases, and it payed off again this time. We got this freezer for 50 bucks! Can't beat that :)
Isn't it pretty?
And another good thing this week..
My gardens growing
Here's the latest picture, the tomatoes just keep getting bigger and bigger I can't wait till their ready to pick!!
Hope everyone is staying cool! This weekend I am determined to get out and do something fun wish me luck :D
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