I know everyone is saying it but..... wow where did 2008 go? It went by so fast! As I think back at what we have done, we really have packed a lot in one year. I thought instead of reminiscing about everything I would show some of my favorite pictures from this year....

Izzie cheering on the crowd at her 1st birthday party
(I know I need to get the video posted on here I'm working on it)

The McBride Family, this picture captures our family spirit. :) Click on it to make it bigger, you'll miss to much if you don't

Izzie loved getting to know her cousins better this year.

Hanging out with grandpa

Can you spot her?
Izzie's first plane ride
My first mothers day
Rick on the 4th of July
Father's Day
Wearing the hat grandma LaVigne made
Playing with cousin sean
These are only some of my favorites there are many many more. I wish everyone good luck with their new years resolutions, gosh knows I have many myself. We miss you all and love you very much!
Just want you to know, I read you all the time - just don't comment very often. I love seeing your beautiful little girl, and am glad to see you so happy.
Rhonda J.
Thank you for commenting it's so nice to know that people are out there listening! I found the recipe for your wheat bread on "relishing motherhood" i was so excited to see it! I remembered enjoying it while I stayed with your family when my parents went to New Jersey for my grandmothers funeral, I have been telling Tim about it for years!!!! Can't wait to get in the kitchen and give the recipe a try :)
Trying to figure out how to get into my acct. took up all my time!! Missing you all. grandmom
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