I've got the post Christmas blues, and I've got them bad. For those of you who know me well you know that I love gifts. No really I love them. Not just receiving them mind you, but giving them as well. And they don't have to be anything big or expensive, or even wrapped (although when it is wrapped it is soooo much better). What I love most about a gift is the anticipation of it all, is the person going to like it? Am I going to like it?. A few weeks before Christmas I get real excited, I'm on a real high. I wrap the presents and stick them under the tree so I can look at them and smile. One year I had our tree up and presents under the tree two days after Thanksgiving, I do not recommend this, the presents get really dusty and who wants to dust their Christmas presents? As the big day creeps closer, the wind starts to let out of my sails a little, and by the time Christmas eve gets here I lay in bed I start to get down right sad, it's almost Christmas day and in a few hours it will all be over. I have to wait 364 days to do it all again, so sad. The only thought that makes me feel a little better.... Valentine's Day and then St. Patrick's Day, my Birthday (don't even get me started on that!) and even as I write in my blog I'm thinking maybe it's not the gifts I like but the celebrations, the decorations, the gathering of family and friends the celebrating of life! I have so many fond memories of holidays, Easter picnics, Grandpas birthday (anyone remember horseback riding, Disneyland, the zoo?). So this year I decided that I'm going to celebrate each holiday this year like it's Christmas! I will spread the LOVE this Valentines day, and I will eat GREEN on St. Patrick's day, I will decorate my home with every passing holiday and enjoy them to the fullest! I want Izzie to have holiday memories to last a lifetime! And the gifts, well they will be a specially decorated cupcake, or a little love note to my honey because don't we all just want to know that we're loved, that we matter, that what we do everyday makes some small difference in the world? That in itself is the greatest gift you can give to anyone. So I challenge everyone to celebrate life this year! Celebrate BIG!!!!
She is such a cutie! We miss you!
We miss you too, We'll be there next week :)
thanks for the inspiration. i love the idea of making a big deal about each holiday. kids especially love that, but it also helps the grownups enjoy things more.
and thanks for the shout-out about the healthy habits challenge!
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