These past few months have truly been the hardest and the most rewarding of my life. I have experienced so many different emotions, I'm still on the roller coaster of life but I thought I'd take a few moments to share our baby girls birthday with you all.
If you can't tell we went to Disneyland, can you believe this was the cutest picture of her in her mickey ears? She's really into making funny faces right now.
We weren't sure if she was going to be one of those kids that are afraid of the characters or not. We soon found out that she LOVED them! Every time she saw one of them, didn't matter who, she would take off running to meet them. It was soooo cute. Here are a few, just a few cause there were too many to post, of her meeting some of them.

We did a little shopping, she loved to try things on and check herself out in the mirror. We had a great day, I took a million pictures but had to stop myself as far as posting them all here.
After Disneyland, we came home and had spaghetti. Izzie and Daddy's favorite. I brought a jar from home that I had made with tomatoes from our garden this year. And can I say it was the best I've ever had! It takes awhile to make but it is so worth it!
We were so lucky that great grandpa and great grandma could come celebrate with us that night. Both sets of grandparents were also there, as well as our friends Todd and Missy.
Izzie had a princess cake from Costco, and after singing to her, she proceeded to eat all the dots off her cake with a fork. Just the dots.
After a long day Izzie got in her jammies and relaxed before heading to bed. This picture cracks me up, she really brings so much joy and laughter into our lives. Tim and I feel truly blessed that God has given this special girl to us to love, enjoy and cherish.
More pictures to come of our trip to California. I have to cut it short today we are off to the Heusers for breakfast. I tried making cinnamon rolls this weekend but after 2 attempts, found out that my yeast is bad! I have an on going feud with getting my breads to rise, I will prevail!!!
Wish me luck. UGGG!!

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